Monday, April 7, 2014

point of view

we all have a job, some have great exiting jobs and some just don't I am one of those who have and exiting job but at the same time i just don't. I'll explain, we are assignated to a agent on its first day of work. we make sure to be with the agent during all times and all places no matter what. We are there when the situations get crazy like in an action movie. Our job is to make sure to keep a down low profile and not to call the atention to our agent so no civilians can know who or what is the agent up to. we are the ones who keeps the secret agents behind a mask while looking cool and protected from the radiant sun. However, when things go crazy and the action starts i get put away to be rotected from anything that migh brake me missing all the good action. This is what i mean when i say that my jobs is exiting but at the same time its just isn't. luckily it isnt so bad, i can still hear all the commotion and feel all the hustle going on from his pocket. i remember the last mission my agent had and i mean last because he got "promoted" to a desk job at the secret facility. its was a sunny day and it couldn't be any nicer. i could feel the peace in the air and hear all the pedestrians laughing in the distance and saying polite thing to each other until a bad driver who seemed to be in a hurry almost ran us over. my agent was on this way of picking up a special package and proceed with his  morning routine. there we were at a bench anjoing the nice weather and a deliscious doughnuts. well at least he was i could only smell the fresh backed pastry from his pocket. all of the sudden feel a disturbing amount of shaking. I cant see anything but i can hear my agent making noises as if he was strugulling with something . At this time all i could think of is the worst. He might be fighting his greatest enemy yet, but i know my agent and he would never give up. All the commotion stopped at once, but it didnt feel right. Out of nowhere i hear a woman screaming and running by and what seemed to be some sort of robot mashing chasing her. I know it sounds too crazy but that is what i could make up from what i was hearing at the time. And when lazer shooting stared to happen all over us i was more then convinced that it was in fact a flying robot what we were facing. Cars crashing, explosions, broken windows and people screaming everywhere. i could tell by the movement of my agent that he was doing all he could to stop this madness. He would stop once and i while to take cover im guessing. Once again, it all stopped all at once and nothing was making a sound. My agent was moving forwards very slowly and peacefully. For all i know.

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