Monday, March 17, 2014

place i rather be

i truely want to be here, but if reality was different i would go into one of my many daydreams.i would like to be at a beach but not just any beach . one were i am the boss of, more like a big island and i bough it with a huge gorgeouse house close to the water and a whole happy prosper town where most of the people there are family and friends.

i can see the biggest and the most blue skies i have ever seen or imaging in my life, there are a viarity of plants and flowers with shapes and colors that only can be describe as out of this world. the water looks so clear and pure filling up my horizon. the animals seem coming from a dr sues / avatar movie.

the waves make the best bachround sound and the birds create a melody. i can hear how the wind shakes the tall palms. deep in the island where the town is i can hear as i aproach the sound of kids playing and people talking and laughing. there is live music on the background ululeles everywhere.

the sand in this island is the fines i have ever walk on. i bet i will never find a rock or any other impurity even if i tried. the weather is as nice as it can get,, its very sunny, every day is but the sun is never too hot its always perfect with soft fresh winds. and the water is just as nice as the weather.

i can smell nature everywhere i go, i smell the delisous food that people are coocking

the food cant be any more delisious, and the viarety of ingredients makes the most exotic dishes i have ever had. the fruits that we can find here are the most sweetests biggest and juciest.

this island was found by a great great auncle we didnt know existed and at the time he was one of the most important man in the environmental scienctific comunity and all the descoveries that he found here wour so pressious and unknown to man kind that he desided to keep it a secret and created a comunitie with othere co workers that he trusted, they were like his fimily ...

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